Outer Banks Information
The Northern Outer Banks refers to the ribbon of land that stretches from the North Carolina/Virginia state line down to Ocracoke Island, a distance of approximately 113 miles. Points south of Ocracoke are known as the Southern Outer Banks, or the Crystal Coast, which are outside of Carol’s market area. Specifically, the northern areas are Corolla, Duck, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Colington, Nags Head, Rodanthe, Waves, Salvo, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, and Hatteras. Each of these villages or townships has its own dynamics and therefore is described in detail in the individual search tabs on the right of the screen.
The North Carolina Outer Banks has a rich history. From the original Native American population to the first English colony in 1587 to the pirates who plundered passing cargo vessels in the late 1600’s and 1700’s, the original inhabitants of this area were a hearty breed. Likewise later inhabitants, many of whom were descendants of shipwrecked people, survived by looting beached vessels for timber and goods and fished and lived off of the land. Those ancestors bred tenacity and ingenuity into their families – those character traits are evident throughout history and even today.
As with those that came before us, the lure of the sea continues to draw us. Today the Outer Banks is a tourist destination for hundreds of thousands and a home for roughly 34,000. The 2020 census will shed light on the exact population but there is little doubt that population has increased since the 2010 census which tallied 33,920 people. Those people find permanent homes, second homes or vacation destinations from basic accommodations to luxury homes with more than 10,000 square feet and every amenity imaginable! Whether you choose this website to search the overall market or specific areas, or from the highest priced to the lowest priced, surely you will find a host of possibilities!
Outer Banks Resources
Local Government
Dare County
Kitty Hawk
Kill Devil Hills
Nags Head
Southern Shores
Currituck County
Outer Banks Essentials
Carol Hunsecker
Outer Banks Realtor/Broker
Due East Real Estate
PO Box 2042
Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948